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A new call for tenders has been published by the Pavia Chamber of Commerce to support energy transition for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the Oltrepò Pavese region

One of the main objectives of the Pavia Chamber of Commerce is to support the entrepreneurs in its area, and it does this by various means. One of these is undoubtedly the allocation of funds that are earmarked as non-repayable contributions for businesses in the Oltrepò Pavese area.

The latest announcement that has been published by the Chamber of Commerce of Pavia is the ‘Bando Transizione Energetica 2023‘ (Energy Transition 2023 Announcement), which aims to incentivise the start-up of energy transition by Pavia companies through efficiency-boosting measures, the introduction of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and participation in Renewable Energy Communities (RECs).
The interventions allowed under this facility are aimed at favouring
the rationalisation of energy use by companies, through the implementation of energy efficiency measures and the reduction of consumption and climate-altering gas emissions; RES self-production systems, also through the participation of CER companies.
Improving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability are very important steps for our future and that of our territory.
The facilitation envisaged by this call for proposals is a non-repayable contribution with 50% coverage.
For more information go to the ‘Bandi‘ area of our website.
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