In the heart of the enchanting Oltrepò Pavese, nestled in a landscape rich in history and tradition, lies the majestic Pieve di San Zaccaria in Rocca Susella. This Romanesque church, dating back to the 12th century, is a true treasure that tells the story of centuries of history and culture.

The Millennial History of the Pieve di San Zaccaria

Attributed to the legendary Comacine masters, the Pieve di San Zaccaria is a symbol of the architectural brilliance of its time. First mentioned in 1561, it has experienced moments of great splendor as well as periods of decline. In the 19th century, it was deconsecrated and repurposed as an agricultural warehouse, a fate that nevertheless did not erase its immense historical and artistic value.
Today, thanks to significant restoration efforts, the Pieve has regained its former glory, offering visitors a window into the glorious past of the Oltrepò Pavese.

Romanesque Architecture: A Masterpiece of the Oltrepò Pavese

The façade of the Pieve is a rare example of Lombard Romanesque architecture, distinguished by its striking striped masonry: alternating bands of sandstone and local bricks, materials typical of the quarries of the Oltrepò Pavese. This unique style gives the building a timeless beauty, enhanced by architectural details such as bas-reliefs and ornate columns.
Inside, visitors can admire a chapel supported by finely carved Romanesque capitals, reminiscent of the splendor of the Basilica of San Michele in Pavia. Despite the transformations it has undergone over the centuries, the spiritual and artistic essence of the Pieve remains intact.

A Journey into the Past and Nature

The Pieve di San Zaccaria is not just a place of worship but also an unmissable destination for lovers of art, history, and nature. After marveling at the ancient church, visitors can explore the Orridi di Rocca Susella, a natural area of extraordinary beauty, perfect for those who love to immerse themselves in the tranquility of nature.


The Pieve di San Zaccaria in Rocca Susella is one of the jewels of the Oltrepò Pavese. This Romanesque gem enchants with its architecture, history, and the surrounding landscape. If you are a lover of culture, art, and nature, you cannot miss this timeless wonder.