In the heart of Oltrepò Pavese, nestled among the charming hills that enhance the landscape, lies a true culinary treasure: the Malfatti of Fortunago. This traditional dish, rich in history and flavor, embodies the genuine essence of the local rural cuisine. Carefully preserved by the Municipality of Fortunago, the Malfatti tell tales of tradition and love for the land.

Origins and History of Malfatti

The roots of Malfatti are deeply embedded in the peasant culture of Oltrepò Pavese. This dish originated as a humble recipe, tied to the availability of simple ingredients and the resourcefulness of farming families. Ingredients such as stale bread, fresh Swiss chard, and eggs were easily accessible and skillfully transformed into a dish of authentic flavor.

Preparing Malfatti required expert gestures passed down through generations, making every bite a tribute to local history and tradition.

The Traditional Recipe of Malfatti from Fortunago

The recipe for Malfatti from Fortunago is simple yet captivating. Here are the steps to create this unique dish:

  1. Preparation of the Swiss chard: The chard is briefly boiled in hot water, then finely chopped with a mezzaluna..
  2. Preparation of the dough: The chopped chard is mixed with breadcrumbs and eggs to create a smooth mixture. For added flavor, sautéed onions and grated Parmesan can be included.
  3. Shaping the Malfatti: Irregular strips are hand-shaped, resulting in the rustic form characteristic of Malfatti.
  4. Cooking and seasoning: The Malfatti are cooked in boiling water and served with traditional sauces. Popular toppings include tomato sauce with dried porcini mushrooms, meat ragù, or classic butter and sage.

The De.Co. Certification and Fortunago’s Pride

The strong bond between Malfatti and the region of Fortunago was officially recognized with the awarding of the De.Co. (Denominazione Comunale) certification. . Questo importante attestato certifica i Malfatti come un patrimonio gastronomico e culturale, rafforzando l’identità locale e attirando l’interesse di turisti e appassionati di cucina.

This prestigious acknowledgment certifies Malfatti as a gastronomic and cultural heritage, strengthening local identity and attracting the interest of tourists and food enthusiasts.
Thanks to the De.Co. mark, Malfatti have become a symbol of pride for Fortunago and the entire Oltrepò Pavese, uniting the local community in celebrating this culinary tradition.

Why You Should Try the Malfatti of Fortunago

The Malfatti of Fortunago are more than just a typical dish—they offer a true culinary experience. Each bite is a journey through time, a tale of tradition and dedication. For visitors, Malfatti provide a unique opportunity to explore the gastronomic culture of Oltrepò Pavese, a region rich in history, enchanting landscapes, and authentic flavors.